24 May Be a Part of the Movement – Rising Strong™ Workshop debuts in Miami
A special movement is happening with the Miami debut of the Rising Strong™ Workshop.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Workshop: 1– 5 pm
Social Networking: 5 – 7 pm
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Workshop: 9 am – 5 pm
Lunch break by Spike Mendelsohn’s “Sunnys”
Click here to purchase tickets.
Rising Strong™ Workshop is based on years of groundbreaking research of Brené Brown. Brené’s 2010 TEDx Houston talk “The Power of Vulnerability” is one of the top 10 most viewed TED Talks in the world with over 23 million viewers.
This workshop is an opportunity to learn and explore how to be your best self, and how to master the tools for everyday success in an impactful and inspiring workshop led by Brené’s protégé, internationally renowned life expert, Robert Hartford.
The workshop will be limited to 20 people and will cover the following:
- Would you like to increase your capacity for joy, gratitude, contentment, stillness
and creativity?
- Do you find your inner critic running the show?
- Would you like strategies for getting back up after a fall or setback in a
personal and/or professional relationship?
- Do you want to cultivate the courage to go the extra mile?
- Are you tired of hustling for acceptance from others?
- Do you want to demonstrate compassion and empathy to deepen your
connection to others?
- Are you able to embrace your imperfections and find the power in doing so?
- Are you ready to embrace the power of your own life story?